Sonam Kapoor wearing the O.H Monogram Spin Ring. Transforming the initials into a multipurpose signature ring set in 22K Gold Plating; the O.H. Monogram Spin Ring is an interplay of creativity and exquisite craftsmanship. A creation designed in detail at the atelier, the one-of- a-kind masterpiece can be best worn stacked for a sensory overload.
Sonam Kapoor wearing the O.H Monogram Spin Ring. Transforming the initials into a multipurpose signature ring set in 22K Gold Plating; the O.H. Monogram Spin Ring is an interplay of creativity and exquisite craftsmanship. A creation designed in detail at the atelier, the one-of- a-kind masterpiece can be best worn stacked for a sensory overload.